Terms and Conditions for Supply of Products



These terms and conditions govern the Vendor in relation to the purchase of products by Aztech Global Ltd and/or its subsidiaries (hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as “Aztech”).
本文所列条款和条件,规定了供应商向快捷达集团有限公司和/或其子公司(以下单称及统称为 “快捷达” )销售产品的有关要求。
These terms and conditions, together with any special terms provided by Aztech in the Purchase Orders, constitute the entire agreement between the Vendor and Aztech (“Agreement”) and may not be changed except by an amendment signed by the Vendor and Aztech’s authorised representatives.
本文所列条款和条件,以及快捷达在采购订单中提出的任何特别条款共同构成供应商和快捷达之间的完整协议 (“协议”),除非由供应商和快捷达的授权代表另行签订书面修订文件, 否则不得更改。
These terms supersede any previous communications, representations or agreements between the parties, whether oral or written, regarding the purchase of Products from the Vendor. Vendor’s additional or different terms and conditions will not apply. Vendor’s acceptance of the Purchase Order constitutes Vendor’s acceptance of these Terms.


1.1 Ordering / 订货

Aztech shall give Vendor 4 weeks order forecast and 4 weeks firm order.
In addition, Aztech will release a backlog report with requirement schedule on a weekly basis. Vendor is to follow the latest requirement schedule to make delivery to Aztech. Early deliveries are not permitted without the prior approval of Aztech.
快捷达 应给予供应商4周的订单预测和4 周的确定订单。快捷达 将每周提供所有未交订单的交货计划,供应商将按照最新的需求计划履行交货义务。未经 快捷达 事前书面批准,供应商不得提前交货。

1.2 Purchase Order Acknowledgement / 订单确认

Vendor must acknowledge acceptance of the Purchase Order by signing and returning the original copy of the Purchase Order by email. If no acknowledgement is provided, the Vendor will be deemed to have unconditionally accepted the Purchase Order.

1.3 Price / 报价

The following terms shall apply 适用以下条款:-

(i) Vendor shall provide the lowest price and improve on the materials, services, and processes provided to achieve the goal of incurring the lowest possible cost and continuously reducing costs.


(ii) Vendor warrants that the unit price for the product shall not be in excess of the lowest prices charged by Vendor to other customers for products of a similar type, quantity and quality.

供应商保证, 产品的单价不应超过供应商向其他订购产品数量相当、类型和质量相同的客户所收取的最低价格。

(iii) All prices shall be as stated in the Purchase Orders.


(iv) Delivery shall be to Aztech Warehouse as stated in the Purchase Order.


(v) Vendor to provide Aztech at no charge a reasonable number of products samples for evaluation, testing and for sample run.


(vi) If the Vendor intends to increase the price, Vendor shall provide at least 90 days’ written notice to Aztech stating all relevant details.

Aztech has the right to accept or reject any proposed increase in price as well as the right to unconditionally cancel all issued Purchase Orders where Aztech does not agree to the price increase. 

如供应商有任何提价意向,必须提前至少 90 天书面通知快捷达,并详细说明所有涉及的内容。


(vii) In the event Vendor reduces the price of the product at any time, Vendor shall provide Aztech price reduction/rebate for the outstanding Purchase Order and products in transit which were previously purchased by Aztech at a higher price. Any rebate shall be calculated based on the difference in price multiplied by the number of products in transit.



(viii) Prices contained in our Purchase Orders cannot under any circumstances be changed by Vendor and Vendor shall not be entitled to charge Aztech for any additional costs, including packaging or documentation, except with prior written consent of Aztech.


(ix) ECN/PCN/EOL Notice- If the manufacturer issues an ECN/PCN/EOL in relation to any products relevant to the transactions between the Vendor in the last 1 year, Vendor shall provide written notice to Aztech within 2 weeks of being notified by the manufacturer of such ECN/PCN/EOL.

ECN/PCN/EOL Notice- 如果制造商有任何的ECN/PCN/EOL 针对我们近一年内有合作过的型号,供应商必须在制造商公布ECN/PCN/EOL文件的2周内以书面形式正式通知 快捷达。

1.4 Timely Delivery / 按时交货

Products delivered by Vendor must match the unit price and quantity ordered.
Delivery to Aztech’s receiving warehouse shall be made no earlier than 3 days before the designated delivery date and no later than the designated delivery date.
供应商交付的产品必须符合订单约定的单价和数量。 供应商向快捷达指定收货仓库交付的货物,不得早于指定需求日期的三天,也不得迟于指定的需求日期。

1.5 Rescheduling / 重新安排交货日期

Aztech shall have the right to reschedule the delivery of Purchase Orders to a date no later than 3 months from the original delivery date stated in the Purchase Order upon giving the Vendor 7 days’ prior notice.
快捷达有权在提前7天给予供货商书面通知后,变更已确定在采购订单中的交货日期,重新安排的交货日期一般不超过采购订单中原确定的交货日期的 3 个月。

1.6 Cancellation / 撤销

Aztech shall have the right to cancel all or any part of the delivered portion of the Purchase Orders without liability to Vendor:

(i) Upon giving the Vendor written notice 14 days prior to the date stated in the requirement schedule;

在订单需求日期前 14 天给予供应商取消订单的书面通知;

(ii) Immediately, without prior notice if Vendor fails to make deliveries as specified in the Purchase Order;

如供应商未能按照采购订单中的约定进行交货, 快捷达则有权即时取消采购订单;

(iii) Immediately, without prior notice, if Vendor breaches any of the terms of the Purchase Order and of the purchase, including the warranties of Vendor, non-compliance with Aztech’s specifications, non-compliance with applicable laws, rules or regulations or failure to meet the delivery dates specified in this Purchase Order;

如果供应商违反本文所列条款和条件,或采购订单中的任何条款(包括但不限于不符合供应商质量保证、不符合 快捷达 的规范、不符合相关的法律法规,或未能如期交货的),快捷达则有权即时取消采购订单;

(iv) Immediately, without prior notice, if the Vendor goes into liquidation.

如果供应商进入清算程序的, 快捷达则有权即时取消采购订单。


For JIT parts, Vendor must be flexible and should facilitate change to accommodate Aztech’s needs. Vendor is required to maintain 4 weeks’ worth of buffer stock to ensure Vendor is able to deliver the parts to Aztech within 24 hours of being notified to do so by Aztech. Vendor is to ensure that such buffer stock are stored in the JIT warehouse in Malaysia/China to ensure on time delivery of the products to Aztech.
按排期生产及交付的部件,快捷达将会提供未来4WKS排期需求,供应商应确保4周的产品缓冲库存根据排期,以便在快捷达发出通知的 24 小时内能够及时交货。
供应商应确保上述缓冲库存数量将收纳在马来西亚/中国大陆的 JIT 仓库中,以确保可以按时向快捷达交付产品。
Aztech shall only pay for products purchased and delivered subject to conditions stated herein. All buffer stock maintained by the Vendor without any instructions provided by Aztech or which are not the subject of any Purchase Order shall be the responsibility of Vendor.


Vendor shall provide adequate credit line extension. Vendor and Aztech agree that the payment term shall be as stated in the Purchase Order.


(i) Vendor warrants that the products supplied are free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 3 years from the date of acceptance of the products by Aztech, Aztech may request, in writing, that the Vendor extend such warranty to 4 years.


(ii) Vendor warrants that the products sold to Aztech do not infringe or misappropriate any third party’s intellectual property rights (“IPR”).


(iii) If Aztech, Aztech’s distributors, agents, and customers receive any claim (“Claim”) brought by a third party alleging that the use or sale of the products constitutes infringement or misappropriation of any IPR relating to the products (including but not limited to any software or other applications contained in the products), then Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold Aztech, Aztech’s distributors, agents, and customers harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, fines, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), whether direct or indirect, arising from or relating to such claim. Should Vendor fail to defend such claim, Aztech shall have the right to assume the defense at the expense of Vendor and Vendor shall cooperate in such defense if so required by Aztech. The obligations under this clause shall apply even if Aztech ceases to purchase products from Vendor.



即使 快捷达终止从供应商处购买产品,但原来所产生的交易的部份本条款的义务依然有效 。

(iv) In addition to the above, in the event that a product is held by a competent court or administrative body, or is, on reasonable grounds, likely to infringe any third party IPR, Vendor shall, at its own expense and at Aztech’s option, either: (a) replace the product with a compatible, functionally equivalent and non-infringing product having at least equivalent performance at no charge to Aztech; or (b) modify the product so as to avoid or remedy the infringement; or (c) procure for Aztech and/or Aztech’s customers the right to continue to purchase, use and sell the product or (d) refund in full all amounts paid by Aztech for the products concerned and pay all additional costs incurred by Aztech in connection with the replacement, surrender or return of the products.


(v) Vendor agrees to keep confidential all drawings, plans, designs, samples, weights, measurements and all other information including any trade secrets and know-how disclosed to Vendor in the course of the manufacture or supply of the products in the Purchase Order and shall indemnify Aztech and its shareholders, officers, directors, agents and employees against any and all liabilities, claims, fines, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), whether direct or indirect, arising from or relating to Vendor’s breach of the confidentiality obligation in this clause.


(vi) Vendor shall indemnify Aztech and its shareholders, officers, directors, agents and employees against any and all liabilities, claims, fines, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees), whether direct or indirect, arising from or relating to:


(a) the use or operation of the products or any part or unit thereof;


(b) defective or faulty workmanship or use of substandard materials in the manufacture or design of the products supplied;


(c) Vendor’s supply of counterfeit products or products of inferior quality to Aztech;


(d) Vendor’s act, default, omission or negligence (including negligence in the manufacture, packaging and delivery of the products);


(e) any breach or non-performance of the Purchase Order or this Agreement by Vendor; and


(f) any fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, criminal act or breach of statutory obligations by Vendor.


(vii) Vendor shall not at any time manufacture, or procure to be manufactured, any products or materials to designs or specifications provided by Aztech.


(viii) This clause 4.0 shall survive the termination or expiry of the Agreement.



Should there be any unforeseen circumstances resulting in the termination of the business relationship, the Vendor shall guarantee the performance of all outstanding issues and the remainder of the warranty for all products supplied within its life cycle.


5.1 SHIPMENT/ 运输

If required, Vendor shall utilise Aztech’s appointed freight forwarder as specified by Aztech’s buyer. Where any deviation by the Vendor results in additional shipping costs, such costs will be borne by the Vendor. If necessary, Vendor shall be responsible for using a faster alternative shipping route to ensure that shipments are received by Aztech by the due date. The Vendor shall be responsible for all additional charges that are incurred above Aztech’s standard service rate for the alternative shipping route.
It is the responsibility of the Vendor to ensure products are properly packed such that normal shipping environments will not cause damage to the products. All products received and found to have been damaged, with such damage being attributable to improper packaging, will be either returned to Vendor as defective for refund or subject to rework/sort at Aztech’s premises with the Vendor bearing all handling and rework costs.


Vendor must ensure that all products shipped to Aztech are labelled or palletised with proper identification on each carton and pallet. Labels should be affixed at the center of each packaging carton. All packing must clearly show Aztech’s part no., quantity, Purchase Order no. and description. It is the responsibility of the Vendor to:-

(i) Prepare the products for shipment in a manner that will preclude the shipment from incurring damage due to packaging, handling, changes in temperature and any environment conditions to which the shipment may be subjected.

确保产品包装的方式符合其运输要求, 防止货物因包装、装卸、温度变化和/或任何环境因素而受到损害。

(ii) Ensure pallets are designed and built to carry the imposed loads and ensure the appropriate method of conveyance is used.

(iii) Ensure palletised shipments are shrink-wrapped with corner reinforcement to be installed and protected against damage caused by high tension or load shifting.

确保用于运输的包装已经加装收缩包装的防撞角,并有足够的保护措施防止在高压 或卸载过程中引起的损坏。

Any damaged palletised shipment received will be rejected.


6.0 QUALITY / 质量保证


Aztech’s policy for incoming quality assurance is to inspect received products using a sampling approach.

(i) Each lot received will be subjected to a sample inspection.


(ii) All failure or rejection will be verified by the Supplier Quality Engineer (“SQE”).

所有的质量检测失败或拒收,均由 SQE 工程师检验后确定。

(iii) All lots rejected at IQA will be reviewed daily and the Material Review Board (“MRB”), which includes staff from the Purchasing, Engineering and IQA departments, will determine the measures for handling these rejected lots.

所有被 IQA 拒绝通过检测的产品批次,需进行日常检查,并由材料评审委员会(MRB,成员包括采购、工程和 IQA 的人员)确定处理措施。

(iv)  Lots that fail may be returned or reworked either by Aztech or Vendor. All costs incurred, including field re-work costs, if any, will be borne by Vendor.




If the products do not comply with any of the warranties, Aztech has the right to return the products to Vendor.
As a general policy for handling products with quality defects, Aztech has the right to directly deduct the value of the returned product from any outstanding product payment or request for a full refund. Vendor is required to furnish all RMA numbers within 48 hours upon request. In the event RMA cannot be issued, the Vendor is to inform Aztech of the delay. Aztech reserves the right to ship defective products without RMA and debit Vendor if deemed necessary.
供应商应根据相关要求,在 48 小时内完成提供所有 RMA 码,如无法如期发出 RMA 码的,供应商应立即告知快捷达 。
快捷达有权在 RMA 码缺失的情况下,将质量瑕疵产品退回给供应商,并要求供应商承担相关损失。
For products returned for replacement, Aztech’s buyer will issue a Purchase Order with reference to the product return number. For replacement products, Vendor’s warranty stated in clause 4.0 herein shall apply.
对于退回更换的产品,快捷达的买方将根据产品退货编号发出相关的采购订单。对于用于替换的产品,应适用本文所列条款和条件 4.0 中的相关规定进行处理。

7.2 PROCEDURE / 程序

Product return for credit of all defective products that are identified at Incoming Quality Assurance, during assembly and test process/field defect will be implemented as follows:-

(i) All items are routed to IQA for failure analysis;

所有产品将被安排至 IQA 进行问题分析;

(ii) Failures and defects are verified using the approved IQA inspection and test procedures;

所有的缺陷或故障均通过经认可的 IQA 检测程序进行;

(iii) Verified defects are documented and packed for weekly return;


(iv) Aztech shall coordinate the verified product return by MRB report and by phone.

快捷达将通过 MRB 报告,和电话协调处理经检验确定需退回的产品。

Upon receipt of returned products, the Vendor shall provide written notice to Aztech of any discrepancies in shipment within 48 hours of receipt. If Aztech does not receive written notice of any discrepancies within 48 hours, Aztech will deem the shipment correct (including the quantity and product model) and Vendor shall be taken not to have any objections thereto. Any discrepancies in the returned products thereafter shall be the responsibility of the Vendor.

如供应商对退回产品有任何异议的,应在收到退回产品的 48 小时内, 书面向 快捷达发出通知。如果 快捷达 在 48 小时内没有收到任何书面异议的, 则视为退回货品装运正常(包括数量和型号),供应商对此不存在任何异议。此后任何退回产品的短缺问题,均由供应商自行承担责任。


Vendor shall designate at least one representative to handle matters relating to the Vendor’s collaboration with Aztech in a timely manner. The Vendor’s designated representative(s) shall communicate with Aztech via email, phone and other relevant communication methods and assist Aztech in resolving any issues which arise.
供应商必须指派至少一名的专门代表,及时处理与快捷达合作过程中发生的有关事宜。 供应商指派的代表应通过、电子邮件、电话等方式,协助快捷达解决有关问题。


9.1 GIFTS / 馈赠

It is a strict policy of Aztech that no gifts or benefits of any kind can be given by the Vendor to any staff of Aztech. Failure to comply with this policy may result in termination of the business relationship between Aztech and the Vendor.


Vendor represents and warrants to Aztech that, in connection with the sale of any product, services or in relation to any other business transactions involving Aztech, the Vendor will comply with and will not violate any anti-corruption laws or international anti-corruption standards.
供应商向快捷达声明并保证,除销售产品,服务或涉及快捷达的任何其他业务交易外,卖 方将遵守且不会违反任何反腐败法/条例或国际反腐败准则。


Vendor shall not solicit or make any offer of employment to Aztech staff. If Vendor does not comply with this provision, Aztech has the right to terminate the business relationship between Aztech and Vendor.



Vendor agrees on behalf of itself and its entire supply chain to comply with the internationally recognised standards as set out in: (i) the ETI Base Code available at https://www.ethicaltrade.org/eti-base-code; and/or (ii) the SA8000 Standard available at https://sa-intl.org/, whichever may be applicable.
供应商代表其自身及其相关者同意并遵守以下国际公认标准:(i)ETI 基本代码可查询 https://www.ethicaltrade.org/eti-base-code; 和 / 或 者 (ii) 适 用 于 SA8000 标 准 可 查 询 https://sa-intl.org/

12.0 GOVERNING LAW / 管辖法律条款

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the country/ region in which the company issuing the Purchase Order is registered and both parties agree to submit all disputes under this Agreement to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that country/ region.